Frequently Asked Questions 

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All data and services are hosted with Azure in Australia

We use a shared layer (essentially the bulk of processing) for everyone, this service expands and contracts as its needed, this is called auto-scaling and allows our system to cater for advanced threats and just general "going viral" sites while maintaining uptime for everyone, our goal is always 100% uptime.

This shared layers always know where you are trying to connect to from the URL you arrive in on, we match this URL to an organisations database and therefore you cannot access any other database but your organisations database. Each organisation gets their own individual Azure SQL database per mition instance. The threat of accessing someone elses data or them accessing your data is mitigated this way and ensures data segmentation. It also allows reporting tools such as Power BI to be used by organisations (in a read only capacity).

One of the first questions people ask for their organisation is "who owns the data?"

The short answer, your organisation does.

Each organisation is given their own Microsoft Azure SQL Database and some Azure Blob diskspace. The database comes pre-configured with some data that the system uses, like counties, states, settings and just operational data. Each organisation adds their own data (member info, images, documents, discussion, content and even your staff and members add to the data).

Mition has no ownership for the data that you or your organisation add, this is completely owned by your organisation. If at anytime you would like to request a backup copy of your database, we will be happy to provide it. You can also get read access to your database for other purposes too.

Mition can cater for either, the auto pro-rata fixed dates method or the 12 month model from registration. There are pros and cons for both and possibly to have it mixed.  You can also have both of these subscription types running at the same time. 

No, you can turn off auto payment collection, when this happens the user gets a dashboard notification that they have an outstanding amount to pay and they can go through the payment process and elect to use the same credit card they used initially or add a new one.

Some of our clients wanted this as it gives them more flexibility for clients paying, but it does require that your member logs in, alternatively taking auto payments means the payment is received faster and with less interaction required.

Although adding/removing columns is not possible at the moment, you can create custom searches that allows you to see a list of members that you can build using a detailed advanced search feature. You can also export these lists to Excel/CSV.

You can create a seperate payment type for any subscription, create a Payment type called LifeMember and make the amount due $0. You can also hide these subscription types so they do not appear on the website and only staff can allocate these subscriptions.

Some fields although not required, still need a valid value of the correct type (date, number, boolean) stored in them.

You should provide a value for each of these fields:

workPhone (set to 0 if unknown)
homePhone (set to 0 if unknown)
mobileNumber (set to 0 if unknown)
mobileNumberConfirmed (set to FALSE if not verified)
emailaddressconfirmed (set to FALSE if not verified)
status (default to ACTIVE)
gender (MAN,WOMAN or set to a value that you have e.g. LGBQT)
dateofBirth (set to  1/01/1900  if not known)
countryOfBirth (set to Australia if not known)
isLocked (set to FALSE)
isDeleted (set to FALSE)

You can either setup a Payment type for a subscription that is $0 and hidden for this OR once the invoice is generated for that user, you can change the line item value to $0 and mark the invoice as paid.

If there are not too many committee positions you can add these as individual roles i.e. Committee President, Committee Member, Committee Vice President, which will then allow to to keep previous of roles kept and the dates each role started and finished (their entire history) for each user. You can do this for other staff roles like President, Chairperson, Board member etc

Roles are great like this, you can see when someone was a trainee, when they became a fellow and when they were appointed to Director of the Board. Being able to see a single users journey completely changes how we look at a member.

Alternatively you can use programs instead – it works the same as roles (without granting security permissions) and you can add your own programs and dates if you want to keep roles simple

Create a document library, you can choose which roles have access to this to view / edit / delete. So you could add the role STAFF and give them full access and every staff member would have access to view and edit these documents.