
Documentation > Webpages

Create webpages for anything, your main website, a conference or for resources only for paying members.

Creating a Web Page

To create a new page on your website:. Now click on the webpage it created and go and add a component. Once you save your page, you can leave the Roles blank which makes the page available to all users or you can add one or more roles. ...

Name and URL

Create the name of the Webpage by clicking the edit icon and filling out the empty box with the appropriate name that you want. Group your webpages by using URL levels and Folders. You can create folders for related webpages, by simply ...

Including a webpage in Main Menu

Including a webpage in Main Menu. If you want to include the new webpage in the main navigation which is located at the top area, just click settings and the option ‘include in main navigation’. You can also create up to 4 levels of men...

Webpage Components

When adding a web component to a page there is a field called Custom Class for each web component. So for flexibility, use these CSS Bootstrap classes in the Custom Class field of any component to change the alignment, padding, margin a...

Setting Security (Roles)

Web pages can add security. You can create pages and areas that are limited to people who are part of a specific role. Once you save your page, you can leave the Roles blank which makes the page available to all users or you can add one...

Website Main Navigation Menu

here is how to change into a double layered menu. The ‘double menu feature’. Decide which menu items you want included in top menus!.

Enabling or Disabling a Page

You can build a page and have it enabled or disabled until you’ve finished making or adding content. If the page is enabled, it has a green light. You can turn pages on and off easily by just clicking on the ‘enabled’ option or not clic...

Using the Main Footer

The Footer, is a section or area at the very bottom of a webpage. The default footer for other pages will show you the actual footer that is on the home page on your page. For example, if you create another site and you wanted to use th...

Animations and Layout (CSS)

You can also add custom animations and classes using a Javascript component, then use that class on multiple components. . So for flexibility, use these CSS Bootstrap classes in the Custom Class field of any component to change the alig...

Moving Webpage Components (Drag and Drop)

Moving Webpage Components (Drag and Drop). You can move the webpage components to a different location within the page using the drag and drop option. Drag it to the desired location by moving the pointer.

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