Our clients, value their privacy.

Therefore, we have condensed some member journeys below...

Every organisation is different, our system is flexible and able to cater to each client with their own personal pain points, here are a few Mition member stories.

2024, New Association, Growth Phase.

At initial contact with Mition Control this Australian Industry Association had between 150-200 Members. Two Employed Staff who ran their member data from an Excel spreadsheet. They ran and paid for other platforms such mail chimp, Jira project board, Eventbrite, Square. They knew that to continue along their rapid growth trajectory while continuing to offer high quality support to their members they would require automation and a single source of truth for their member data.

Over a 6 week period from initial contact the association was live on the Mition Platform.

Keeping costs down at this stage in business was important for this project, and with highly capable staff it was possible for this Association to DIY the onboarding process, the Mition team was only an email away at any stage.

At launch this association began with the following modules; website, subscriptions, payments, members management, email marketing. 

Using the training videos and documentation/tools, they were able to load their member data and build their website.

As they become more used to the platform they will continue to use more and more features of Mition, they are excited to be able to increase their member offering. 

2023, Mid sized Australian NFP

At initial contact, this Mid-sized NFP, with around 5000 members had multiple pain points with their tech stack. They were using a mix of WordPress with multiple plug-ins along with Salesforce for their member management. They felt unloved and underserviced by the multinationals and felt they were always spending to improve their functionality.

They found us, they were only interested in an Australian business for their replacement system.

The Mition team presented to the project stakeholders, were shortlisted and after a brief RFQ were chosen.

The organisation chose the largest of our onboarding packages (Meet the Beatles) as they have multiple departments to train across the platform.

For phase 1 of onboarding the organisation decided to keep their WordPress website (after a very big spend only 18 months prior), and begin the Mition journey via Membership Management, Subscriptions, Payment, Media/Document Libraries, Marketing & Events.

This NFP required a supplier map that was not part of the platform, the development and sales teams discussed that this was something that would benefit the network and offered a heavily discounted build. Now all Mition clients have access to the supplier map.

Different domain names were used to seamlessly blend the WordPress and Mition systems, making for a smooth member journey.

From initial contact to going live this was a 3 month project.

This organisation is using the majority of the Mition systems’ modules these days and are a wonderful advocates of the platform.

Along the way they have utilised the Mition team to run some support projects to fast track their system growth, these have been use to train their internal staff to be capable to do it next time.

2023 Large State Union (8000+ Members)

We were approached for a full tender process via a consulting firm. Over multiple months our team presented to the consulting team and also the client.

Mition was chosen and the team began the architecture and proposal work for the multiple builds required for the project.

A full architecture project was run by our qualified team and build work began.

The developer of the previous membership system was retiring, and the old system was no longer going to be supported, decades of Membership data was to be rehomed within Mition.

Huge amounts of data and documents were cleansed and moved over and some complex and specialised insurance calculators built for their Mition portal.

This project was run as a (discounted) time and materials project and was managed by a very capable private consulting team.

The new Mition platform was launched 5 months post initial contact, Union staff were trained and supported by Mition Control and now run an all-encompassing system with ease.